Operation "New Studio" - Adrienne M Nixon
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
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Operation “New Studio”

Operation “New Studio”

Mannnnn this has been a LONG time coming. This is part of the reason I haven't been doing any sewing. That's a WHOLEEEEEEEEEEEEE 'nother entry lol

Remember THIS entry asking for help?

Wellllllllllllll, things are finally coming together. Stuff was moving S L O W now all of a sudden it's moving SUPER quick.

I have 13 days to get it all done. Let's see how that works out lol.

Between now and next week I will either roll real quick to Atlanta so I can go to IKEA and get this Expedit bookcase, or let my brother bring it to me when he comes home. I'm super impatient right about now so I need to decide QUICK. I was going to just order it and let them ship it but WHY is shipping $299?? O_O WHY can't they participate in free shipping friday?? LOL Anyway, here is the bookcase:


(Image from IKEA.COM)

I have been wanting one of these things for YEARS. Just never got it lol. Welllllll, I'mma get me one now lol. I was going to do a wall of shelves, but I just don't want ANYTHING else on my walls. EVER lol. This stuff that they CLAIM you can put on the wall and not mess it up? ALL LIES!!!!! LOL Just tore up my poor sheetrock lol.

So this will be my fabric storage. I'll be able to see it, keep it nice and neat and if it doesn't fit in here….then…I'll probaby get some hidden storage lol.

I was on pinterest and saw this beauty:

(Photo Credit)

I REALLY need to measure this to make sure it won't overpower my room. I LOVE it. Tony has given me the go ahead to do this but I need to go measure the doors and make sure it will work in my space.

I'm going to keep my filing cabinet but it will go between the two windows.

My piano will go downstairs so that opens up the wall for my bookcase.

I'm still undecided about the tables along the back wall. I may keep them. I'll need atleast one to sew on. I plan on using the table in the middle of the room as a cutting/work table. I'm also trying to decide of I'll mount my huge self healing mat on it. It all depends on the measurements

Here is a pic of the room right now lol


I should have stood back more so you could see the whole room lol. OOPS lol my bad lol

My room looks super small right here. Hmmm. Pictures don't lie! LOL

I need to decide on window treatments. Then I'm pretty much DONE.

Ok, that's IT! lol


  • Alida/ 08.12.2011Reply

    Hope it all comes together just the way you want it!!

  • Nicole/ 08.12.2011Reply

    I have this exact ikea shelf. I’ve had it for about 10 years. Still the single most important part of my craft organization. Best investment ever. I also have a similar craft table. I wanted one from pottery barn but found a more affordable version at cost plus on a deep discount day. Good thing because it was smaller and the pottery barn one would havd been way too big. Both pieces are great. I just wish the craft table was even higher for my backs sake though. It ain’t the floor or my bed anymore but any type of bending for more than a few min is torture.

  • Victoria Baylor/ 08.12.2011Reply

    Have FUN decorating!!! How exciting that things are moving along!!! A couple years back I went to the IKEA in ATL for the same bookshelves. They DO NOT disappoint. I bought black one’s to use in our family room. Have fun creating your dream sewing studio!!!

  • Sheri D. Maple/ 08.12.2011Reply

    I know that Home Depot has the smaller bookcases in the photo for about $58.00 that’s 45in high and 30in wide, and you can use plain doors without the hole for the knob as tabletops. You can paint them any color you want. The idea came from one of the issues of Martha Stewart magazine. I want to say that it came from the March issue, but not sure. I have to look through the magazines now. Then perhaps Home Depot or Lowe’s can cut wood to the size you want for your tabletop. That is the Pottery Barn alternative because you can purchase four of the bookcases at Home for $232 plus tax if applicable, the doors could cost around $100 each, or you could find some old doors for less or possibly free.

  • Lashell/ 08.12.2011Reply

    Ooooh. You’re so lucky. I would love to have a room just dedicated to crafting. I think the bookcase should be your focal point and you should design around it. I think once you put it up everything else will click and you will know exactly what you want to do and how everything will work. I think the book case should go where the piano is. You should keep the longest table and put both your machine and serger on it. I would get a somewhat narrow cutting table and put storage underneath where you can keep some of your excess craft item in as well as keep some of your sewing tools at hand. One thing I’ve learned crafting in narrow spaces is that you want to keep as much walking space as possible or you will go crazy. lolol I would also get a stool to sit on so that you won’t always be confined to sitting at the table where your serger and machine will live.
    Oh yeah. I would put up curtains. It will give the room a more crafty vibe than blinds. Also, maybe some better lighting so the room will be brighter at night and on rainy days.
    Sorry I wrote so much. lololol. I’m living vicariously.

  • Towanna/ 08.12.2011Reply

    So exciting!!! Cant wait to see the finished product!

  • TJ/ 08.12.2011Reply

    I like that shelf, but THREE HUNDRED DOLLAR shipping? Wow. Ikea is a dangerous place for me. I could redo the whole house every time I go there. Redo the kids’ rooms, my room, the kitchen…

  • Alethia/ 08.12.2011Reply

    Hurayyyyyyyyyyyyy! You are lucky, once the space is done I am expecting lots of sewing projects.

  • Robin/ 08.12.2011Reply

    I’ve been eyeing those shelves too. I’ve got a spare room that I want to be “my spot” (for prayer, sewing, reading, crafting, whatever). In time, God will provide. I’m thinking about having someone build this bookshelf for me. I also want a cutting table as high as my countertops (to save my back). I’, sure your room will be nice when it all comes together. I already like the floor :)!

  • Myra/ 09.12.2011Reply

    Love the new room so far! You’re a really lucky woman to be getting a newly organized sewing room!! Congratulations! But where are you sewing now??? LOL!

  • Monique/ 09.12.2011Reply

    Yay!I can’t wait to see the finished result. I see that bookcase all the time at IKEA. I love it.

  • Nicky/ 09.12.2011Reply

    Can’t wait to see the end result!!!!

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