Adrienne M Nixon | 10 Day YOU Challenge – Day Four
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Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
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10 Day YOU Challenge – Day Four

10 Day YOU Challenge – Day Four

Four books.

I love to read. This year has been different. I've been working more on my relationship with God so I haven't read as much as I normally do. I honestly just haven't had a desire to read anything.  I recently went to a huge library book sale and I took one in the bedroom but didn't get past the second page lol. I'm going to have to MAKE myself read lol.

Here are my favorite four books. Let's see if I can get it down to four lol.

Redeeming Love

I read this book I KNOW back in 2000??? Kayla was a little girl when I read it so I know it's been a GOOD ten years. This is STILL my all time favorite book. I STILL buy this book and I STILL read it and I end up telling someone about it and giving it to them.

32 Candles

This was my favorite book last year. AMAZING!!!! I look forward to more books by this author.

Didn't I feed You Yesterday

This was the most hilarious book ever. I LOVED it so much lol. One of the funniest things I've read in a LONG time lol

The Help

VERY good book AND I'm excited about the movie!!!


Have a good one!

  • NC Peach/ 23.06.2011Reply

    Wow, I’m gonna have a hard time coming up with just four books!! You have some great ones listed though! I’m putting a couple on my Summer reading list!

  • sherri/ 23.06.2011Reply

    I’ve read three of the four. I’ll off to find Didn’t I feed You Yesterday
    I must say, I prefer the original cover of Teh Help

  • Jenifer/ 23.06.2011Reply

    I loved 32 Candles and I am reading The Help now

  • Ms. Behaving/ 23.06.2011Reply

    LOL @ the title “Didn’t I feed you yesterday?” — I’m interested in reading that one based on the title alone.
    Hmmm…now that I think about it, It’s been a minute since I’ve read a good book. Ah well…something ELSE to add to my looooooooooong list of “to do’s” 🙂

  • Monique/ 23.06.2011Reply

    I can’t wait to see The Help. It looks really good. I’m downloading 32 Candles right now. Everyone is going on and on about how great of a book it is.

  • Vanessa/ 23.06.2011Reply

    I’ve read Redeeming Love, and it is by far my favorite book of all time too!! In fact, I would read it again today, knowing the plot and everything, and still find something new to cherish in it. A priceless work!

  • Tiffany/ 24.06.2011Reply

    I’m excited about the fact that as MUCH as I read and love to read you have recommended 3 books that I’ve never read or heard of! Perhaps because I’m a huge memoir/nonfiction fan and reader and the fiction I do read I’m selective about my authors. But from virtually knowing you and vibing quite well, I’m definitely going to check out the titles I’m not familiar with. Hint: I can’t wait to see Ableen and Skeeter ‘nem on the screen too! Loved that book as well.

  • Tiffany/ 24.06.2011Reply

    Just called my local library and placed a copy on hold for pick up! Forbidden Love.

  • Angie/ 24.06.2011Reply

    Redeeming Love is one of my favorite reads(also great in audio) also along with her Mark of the Lion series.
    You should try those too.
    Also, if you like Christian authors try Terri Blackstock’s 911 series.
    I do not have the time to read as much as I used to so I joined Audible and got some of my all time favorite books in audio to listen to when I sew.

  • Holly/ 24.06.2011Reply

    Hey Adrienne,
    Just popped in to say ‘hi’; haven’t been on your site in FOREVER!!!! But I still have it bookmarked, ha ha, & in the summer I have a little more time to read stuff. I wrote down 3 of the 4 books for my vacation reading…I read The Help last year, one of my all time favorite books – I could NOT put it down! Anyway, I’ll be checking in from time to time again. Have a good weekend!

  • Holly/ 24.06.2011Reply

    Me again – I have a couple book suggestions for you if you want something that will grab you…The Walk & Miles to Go, both by Richard Paul Evans. They are really good. He is the author of “The Christmas Box” if you have ever heard of that. Those are the only two I’ve read of his so far, so maybe I will go back and get his older ones. Let me know if you get them how you like them.

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