Hump Day Ramblings... - Adrienne M Nixon
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
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Hump Day Ramblings…

Hump Day Ramblings…

  1. Have I done a phone dump yet? I may need to actually pay for storage on dropbox lol
  2. Lens, tripod and wireless remote in my cart. Yay. I’m actually going to pay for one day shipping lol. Just a TAD bit excited.
  4. My personal email is insane. Man. Ugh. I’ll go through it all tonight.
  5. Photoshop is driving me crazy on THIS DAY.
  6. SIX HOURS LATER, photoshop still doesn’t work, I’ve done more troubleshooting today than I did ALL last week when it started acting up, my head hurts and I’m going to BED. SO glad tomorrow is Friday and I’m going out of town.
  7. My phone battery is on 3%. I can’t even take a picture lol
  8. I have three more, then I have to do the extra stuff to all six lol.
  9. I’m taking a pinterest break.
  10. I have some crazy kinda faith!! God is so amazing!
  11. I love bananas lol
  12. I STILL haven’t done a phone dump lol
  13. Gizmo is my little buddy lol
  14. I told Tony I would take my truck to have the tires balanced and rotated. OOPS.
  15. I need to update my list.
  16. There is a bomb threat at Jaelyn’s school. Why do people insist on doing things like this? NOT something you should play with. Period.
  17. My water bottle is empty…I’m downstairs…water is upstairs and I’m here alone. LOL
  18. I’m really thinking about moving my blog over to wordpress. I use wordpress for my Adrienne’s Essentials blog and I love it. Seriously.
  19.  I love being inspired.
  20. My personal email is STILL jacked up. SMH I need to go through it.
  21. Bomb threat at Kayla’s school as well. Hmmm wonder if this is just a drill?
  22. Just booked my parents next trip. Hmmm. Shouldn’t they be paying ME for this!? Lol
  23. I made blueberry muffins for breakfast. Talk about yummy
  24. I did NOT oversleep today lol. When my alarm went off I turned it off and went back to sleep…then my mom called at 5:30 lol. If she wouldn’t have called I would have certainly overslept lol. I MUST do better.
  25. smh
  26. Took me 45 minutes to get to the school to pick up my child. I hope who ever did this bomb threat mess gets into a WHOLE HEAP OF TROUBLE. CLOWNS.
  27. I want some fruit.
  28. I have a headache.
  29. I have about an hours worth of work left to do. Don’t feel like doing ANYTHING.
  30. In the next couple of weeks I need to buy FIVE plane tickets O_O

Alright y’all lets ramble in the comments lol



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