Hump Day Ramblings - Adrienne M Nixon
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
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Hump Day Ramblings

Hump Day Ramblings

  1. I can’t believe how quickly time is going by.
  2. The sooner you realize everyone isn’t going to be for you, it gets better.
  3. Children are exposed to so much more in today’s society than they were when I was coming up.
  4. No matter who you are around, always stay true to yourself. Don’t compromise.
  5. I’m loving Yogi Peach Detox tea.
  6. Did you know I don’t add any sweetener to my tea? Coffee is another story.
  7. I’m glad I don’t just do stuff for the camera. I live it. That is all.
  8. I think I am finally used to the layout of my new site. I really like wordpress. What took me so long to switch over?
  9. I’m glad I have enough sense to give God the glory for what He is doing in my life.
  10. I was disappointed but it’s not the first time something has flopped, won’t be the last.
  11. Do y’all realize I STILL haven’t done a phone dump in 2014!?!!? The first one will be epic.
  12. Jaelyn never did write about her trip to China. Hmmmm
  13. The power cord to my external hard drive stopped working o_O. The new one should be here any day now. I HATE not having access to my pictures. I still need to finish up Maui stuff AND talk about Jaelyn’s senior prom lol.
  14. It’s getting to a point where I won’t be able to take new clients for a while. That’s a great thing though. God is really blessing.
  15. I’ve been doing some reading. I need to review a couple of the books I’ve read.
  16. I want to go back to Maui.
  17. There is nothing like meeting a sincere person.
  18. I hate cliques.  What I dislike more than cliques, is when people don’t realize they are all cliqued up lol. Straight denial.
  19. Gizmo and Chief are hilarious.
  20. CHIEF IS HUGE and only 4 months old.
  21. Starbucks.
  22. I haven’t been able to go to noon prayer like I want to. I need to rearrange my schedule.
  23. I’ve been getting the best sleep. Sleep is good. Y’all can have all that I’ll sleep when I’m dead stuff lol. I take naps too lol
  24. I need to visit the nail salon, but that probably won’t happen for a couple of days.
  25. What God has for me, it is for me.
  26. I used to say my favorite color was orange.  I think it’s pink. I’m turning into Singlema lol.
  27. I need to buy some batteries for my external flash.
  28. I had to stop using lists on my phone and physically start using pen and paper lol.
  29. I love journals/notebooks. Especially from Target.
  30. I was about to do something and forgot lol.

Alright y ‘all, let’s ramble in the comments!

Next post: What’s in my purse Tag from YouTube lol

  • Vik VarWoo/ 23.04.2014Reply

    Love it!!! #randomation

    • AEadmin/ 23.04.2014Reply


  • Kely/ 23.04.2014Reply

    I have so much to rumble about dont know where to start….. lets see
    1. Im behind in work, Do I have let so many people go to voice mail this week
    2. I want to go back to the Virgin islands, but the way my daughters tuition is set up for next year…it don’t look good
    3. Who came up with the word nagging? If you ask your husband to do something, that’s not nagging that’s making a request…
    4. I’m tired of buying my daughter jeans, every couple of months it seems like they are too little. OR she is hiding the new jeans…teenagers…what can you do
    5. I think I’m going to start marking my daughter new jeans, and make her give me the old jeans that way I can tell if she is playing games…
    6. Haven’t sewn nothing this month, well one item with my daughter…I feel ashame
    7. I need vacation, soon or a few mental dates
    8. I’m learning patience….and learning to pray more and speak less…. BUT its very hard sometimes
    9. Last but not least, I need to find some good rummage sales soon..

    • AEadmin/ 24.04.2014Reply

      Girl I BUST OUT LAUGHING @#2!!!!!!!! My oldest was just complaining about jeans lol. Hilarious.

  • Monique/ 24.04.2014Reply

    1. I love my life.
    2. I love surprises.

    • AEadmin/ 24.04.2014Reply

      *giggles* I love your life too lol

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