3 Ways to Have a Great Week
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
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3 Ways to Have a Great Week.

3 ways to have a great week

3 Ways to Have a Great Week.

Monday always gets a bad wrap.

3 Ways to Have a Great Week 3 Ways to Have a Great Week 3 Ways to Have a Great WeekToday let’s talk about 3 Ways to Have a Great Week.

1. Prepare. This should be a given but sadly it’s not. You will certainly have a not so great start to your day/week if you aren’t prepared. If you take time out on Sunday afternoon/evening to prepare for Monday morning you would be so surprised how smoothly it goes. There will be days when you oversleep and feed the kids chips for breakfast but if you are prepared, it doesn’t happen that often.

Watch the forecast and decide on what you will wear the next day. If you have children teach them to do the same thing.  Prepare lunch. You can even go so far as to *gasp* start dinner. The crock pot is your FRIEND.

Get enough rest. I will be the first to admit that going to bed at a decent hour has been hard for me. I literally have to force myself to go to bed by 10 or 10:30 that way I’m asleep by 11. . I’m normally up around 5am. I know that I don’t function well with more than 6 hours of sleep. It makes me groggy all day long. You know your body. You know how much sleep you need to have a successful day. Try getting on a schedule and see how much better you feel in the morning.

Leave a few minutes early. Give yourself enough time to make it to your destination. There is nothing worse than running behind only to find yourself stuck in traffic. Sure, you can’t prevent that but you can leave earlier to ensure that you make it to your destination on time no matter what traffic or unforeseen events you may encounter.

2. Make a List. I have a list for EVERYTHING. It helps me to know what I have to do for the next day, the week and even the month. Starting your day without reviewing your list or your calendar is a HUGE mistake. It’s like trying to drive at night with very dark shades on. You can’t see where you are going. You can plan accordingly if you know in advance what meetings or things you have to accomplish for the day. This is the age of technology. Use it to your advantage.

3. Motivate Yourself. I start my days with prayer. Every single day. To me, there is nothing better than praying and asking God to order my steps for the day. One of my favorite devotional books is Commanding your Morning by Cindy Trimm. I received this as a gift last year and I STILL use it daily. It is my favorite devotional to read with my Bible.

I can speak for myself when I say I used to need others to motivate me. To give me that extra push. I would look for that “you can do it.” I had to stop that and learn to encourage MYSELF. Motivate MYSELF. I keep Bible verses and inspirational quotes in different areas of my workspace for those days that I find it hard to keep pushing. It works like a charm 🙂

If you always find yourself dreading Monday’s try these 3 ways to have a great week. Prepare, make a list and motivate yourself.

Tell me, are there things that you do to have a great week? Leave some tips in the comment section. You may encourage someone else.

adrienne nixon



  • LisaBinAR/ 16.03.2015Reply

    Great tips!

    I find that those three tips make for a smoother workweek for me. Laying clothes out the night before and beginning meal prep the night before especially helps my family.

  • sheila/ 16.03.2015Reply

    I always considered myself a preparationista. Especially, when the kids were younger, hair was washed &braided, ironed kids, hubby & my clothes for the week, prepared school & work lunches, made large dinners on Sunday, and so forth. Even as an empty nester, I continue to prepare for the week, clothes, lunch, even jewelry… lol, in my bed by 10-10:30pm and up at 5:00am, Preparing for the week makes for an awesome Monday and the rest of the week gets even better.

    • AEadmin/ 22.03.2015Reply

      I totally agree!! I have 6 more years until we are empty nesters 🙂 lol

  • trenara morgan/ 16.03.2015Reply

    Prayer- asking God for insight and guidance for the week.

    Prepare- menu, workout journal, business calendar etc.

    Pick a day to have me time- some kind of pampering for me, a facial, get my nails done, watch movies etc.

    • AEadmin/ 22.03.2015Reply

      That’s what I need to get back to. Planning a day just to recharge 🙂

  • Kelly/ 17.03.2015Reply

    Great post. You have encouraged me with this post. I need to get more organized. But I do start my day with prayer.

    • AEadmin/ 22.03.2015Reply

      YAY! Prayer for me is the best 🙂

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