Walk in YOUR purpose.
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
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Walk in YOUR purpose.


Walk in YOUR purpose.


Hey guys! I shared this on my Facebook page and wanted to share it here.

There was a time when I had NO clue what I was supposed to be doing. I told someone  I’m SUPPOSED to be a nurse. That was MY plan but God had a different plan. All that time and money spent in Nursing school and that was not what God had for me. That is what I had for MYSELF.

I was unhappy and burned out before I even finished nursing school (I had 1/2 a semester left) because I was doing it for the wrong reasons. I was trying to prove to my parents that just because I had a baby young (17) and got married young (19) that I could STILL be successful.

The hardest thing I have EVER had to do was tell my dad that I didn’t want to keep going to nursing school. I am a TRUE daddy’s girl. He gave me some advice that I STILL keep close to my heart.

He told me that sometimes you have to take a step backwards in order to go forwards.

When I find myself having to step back for whatever reason, I always hear his words.

The gift that God has given me has caused me to be successful. The girl who was a teen mom at 17 and a wife at 19 (and STILL married by the way, to the SAME man lol) is SUCCESSFUL!

I do more than just design clothing. I do more than just sew clothing. Each person that I come in contact with I am always sure to speak life into them. Ask them they will tell you.

Today let me encourage you don’t let your past dictate your future. Walk in YOUR purpose.


  • Krystal/ 18.10.2015Reply

    Hi, Adrienne! It’s been a long time. Great post. So glad to hear you’re walking in your purpose. It’s a journey that I know well. Glad to see God is blessing you.

    • AEadmin/ 18.10.2015Reply

      KRYSTAL!!! It HAS BEEN A LONG TIME!!! Caps off lol. How are you!?? Thanks so much for stopping by!

      • Krystal/ 19.10.2015Reply

        I’m doing pretty well. I revamped my blog and am trying out different things. Still sewing and crafting. Ready to take the next step in my career, preferably self-employment. I definitely won’t be a stranger here!

  • Dawn/ 18.10.2015Reply

    Beautifully said! Thanks

  • Naomie/ 18.10.2015Reply

    Thank you Adrienne for the kind and motivating words. Just recently I realized that God always had put purpose in my life but I never understood how it worked and/or what it was that made me different or unique. Then one day it hit me, when I speak to people it’s never the person but the issue I speak too and of. ( I don’t know if I am making sense.)
    I always had a sense of what really is going on verses what people are telling me. So now I am making it my business to pursue a career in motivating and helping women and young girls. Hopefully, in time the Lord will help me gain insight and strength to continue making this passion into something amazing for the people I work with and for.
    God Bless

    • AEadmin/ 18.10.2015Reply

      He WILL guide you. What you are saying makes perfect sense. Praying Gods wisdom over you on your journey 🙂

  • Darshell/ 19.10.2015Reply

    Great encouragement. It just want to say that you have always presented yourself as a lady and its important to show our young woman that you can be beautiful, feminine and sexy without everything being skin tight. You have done that we need more woman leading by example on a big stage. Good job Adrienne. His bless you.

    • AEadmin/ 25.10.2015Reply

      Thank you so much for you kind words. This truly means so much to me.

  • FinesseV/ 20.10.2015Reply

    True and encouraging words! Thank you. I know God will continue to bless you and your family.

    • AEadmin/ 21.10.2015Reply

      You are so welcome girl!! Thank you for your kind words 🙂

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