Soul Food, My Walk With God - Adrienne M Nixon
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Soul Food, My Walk With God

Soul Food, My Walk With God

Hearing from God… It's not always a burning bush experience.

I remember talking to my good, good friend and I would tell her I just want to hear from God. I need Him to speak to me. She KEPT telling me to STOP looking for the burning bush.


You mean God's voice isn't going to be this big booming James Earl Jones Voice??? lol

When I go through different situations and I'm looking for God to answer me, I was looking for the big burning bush.

Uhh doesn't happen like that. Well not for me anyway.

I'm slowly learning how God speaks to ME. If I dream it? It's been happening. And kinda quick.

God is speaking to me through His word more and more. It's AMAZING to me. I can be seeking Him for something and the next thing I know, either someone will text me a scripture saying they were thinking of me and it's EXACTLY what I need or it will come across the pulpit. NEVER FAILS.

The more I'm in my Word, the easier it is for me to recognize when God is talking to me. When I DON'T spend enough time in the Word (like when I was strung out reading Hunger Games) it's harder to hear from God. Almost like my mind is fuzzy. If that makes ANY sense. That isn't to say that I can ONLY read the Word and read it ALL DAY LONG. Impossible, but I have to carve time out and be faithful.

So right now, I'm working on remaining faithful to studying & reading God's Word.

 I'm not perfect, just striving to be the woman God wants me to be. Keeping my life lined up with the WORD!

  • MzNewy/ 02.04.2012Reply

    I was looking for a burning bush too! LOL But I found out He is more subtle than that…Burning Bush comes when I have been hardheaded and don’t pay attention to His subtle whispers. I keep getting confirmation from Sermons, or conversations with others who have know idea about my prayers. God is AMAZING. I am going to keep reading His word and sit quietly so I can hear His faint whispers.

  • Moe/ 02.04.2012Reply

    Almost like my mind is fuzzy<------- this right here is the truth. I've notice the more I read the word the clearer my decisions become, but the moment I stray I left looking like 0_0. I try to carve out 15-30 mins a day to get in the word, along with that this week Im fasting with my church from 6am-4pm.

  • Jada/ 02.04.2012Reply

    God’s whispers say so much.

  • LadyLee/ 02.04.2012Reply

    I think the Word is key. Lining my thoughts up with what’s in that Word is essential.
    If you run up on a burning bush, it means you were ignoring the still small voice of God.
    I’d rather be sensitive to the still small voice. A burning bush would frighten the cheese out of me.
    Good post, Ma.

  • Renee/ 02.04.2012Reply

    This is so true! Amazing how clearly he speaks when we are faithful to his word.

  • Edris/ 03.04.2012Reply

    Yes the deeper we are in His Word the more we can hear His Words. It seems so obvious right. I need to spend more time like you said reading my Bible. It really only requires a few minutes out the day. Now I have heard the big voice once or twice but it was necessary for me to hear it that way to do the right thing. It actually kind of scared me – like I had to look around the room and make sure I was the only one there kind of scared. LOL

  • Pserendipity/ 03.04.2012Reply

    And this post was confirmation for me. SO right on time.

  • Tameika/ 09.04.2012Reply

    Amen! I’m listening for his voice to me. I hear it more and more when I still myself and really seek him. God is so good! And I am so glad he has a special voice just for me and you too. 🙂

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