Adrienne M Nixon | Pretty Journals
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
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Pretty Journals

pretty journals

Pretty Journals

I love pretty journals.

I’ve always loved pens and notebooks (think school supplies lol) but my love for actual journals started in my early 20’s. I was a new wife with a toddler lol. I need to write some things out lol .

I look for a stationary section in every store that I go in. Β Some of my favorite places to get journals are Staples,Tj Maxx, Home Goods, Ross, Marshalls and Target. These stores get me EVERY SINGLE TIME.

pretty journals

My smaller journals I use for my client information. I keep them here and online. It’s easier to write everything down when I’m working.

pretty journals

I buy journals for gifts as well. ESPECIALLY when I know you like journals as well. I gave the smaller one as a gift to encourage a friend.

pretty journals

I also pick up journals when I travel. I always write down who I’m with, where I purchased them from and what state I was in. I got these in LA earlier this summer.

pretty journalspretty journals

pretty journals

Everyone that knows me knows that I LOVE journals so when they are out and about and see something that reminds me of them, they pick them up and send them to me. What I LOVE about this is a couple of them always write something encouraging in the back and tell me WHY that particular journal made them think of me. I love that so when I send unexpected gifts I do the same.

The last one “Love What You Do” is what I’ve been using since maybe October to plan out Adrienne’s Essentials for 2015. My word! I’m so excited. There will be some changes that you guys will love. Ok back to the journals lol.

pretty journals

I love ALL things Paris and when Toms did their collaboration with Target I went to check it out and fell in LOVE with this leather journal.Β Jaelyn has been trying to take it since I brought it home.

pretty journals

These are journals I picked up in New York this year. No way I could leave them lol

pretty journals

I fell in love with these in Hawaii. I have a LOT of journals

pretty journals

My most recent ones I picked up from Ross and Marshalls. The pink one I use every morning during my devotional time. I love it, but then again I love them all lol.

I have three that I haven’t shown that I want to bless someone with. Just leave a comment on this post and tell me ONE goal you have for 2015. Winner will be announced on Tuesday πŸ™‚


  • Neauxlah/ 20.12.2014Reply

    One of my goals next year is to do something that I’ve never done once a month. It could be somethings a simple as visiting a nearby national park or something a little scarier (to me) like wake boarding. I want to expand myself as much as possible.

    • AEadmin/ 20.12.2014Reply

      What is wake boarding? Let me ask Mr. Google lol

    • AEadmin/ 20.12.2014Reply

      I also LOVE the idea of doing something I’ve never done once a month. I may try that, but I need a list first lol.

  • Neauxlah/ 20.12.2014Reply

    Wakeboarding scares me but it also looks FUN. I am scared of open bodies of water. LOL

    • AEadmin/ 20.12.2014Reply

      I looked it up and it DOES look like fun. I however love water and I LOVE to swim lol

  • Neauxlah/ 20.12.2014Reply

    Come do it with me so when I holler and scream and then fall off you can laugh. Or save me. LOL!

  • Desiree Johns/ 20.12.2014Reply

    Thanks Adrienne for that encouragement. I love looking at Journal books in Home Goods. I never purchased them because I haven’t been very organized in my life and didn’t think I would use it! However, I never thought of using them in my devotional time or when I travel. (I have been on Pinterest so much lately and feel like I need to get back to crafting!) Maybe journaling will help me organize better and start back to doing the things I love to do! An Aha moment indeed.

    • AEadmin/ 20.12.2014Reply

      Using it in my devotional time is great because I can look back and see my prayers being answered or go back and see what I’m thankful for. It’s great during those not so good times.

  • NONSuperwoman/ 20.12.2014Reply

    I love journals. You’ve got some great ones there πŸ™‚ one of my goals for 2015 is to make more time for me and thing things I love to do. Self care is a top priority.

    • AEadmin/ 20.12.2014Reply

      YES IT IS! I put myself on the back burner a LOT this year and I ended up so stressed out. I didn’t start taking care of me until early November. Won’t happen again πŸ™‚

  • Katrina Bradshaw/ 20.12.2014Reply

    One of my goals for next year is to sew at least one garment per month. Last year it was two garments per month, but that didn’t work out too well. LOL!

    • AEadmin/ 20.12.2014Reply

      LOL That’s a great goal. Do a little bit everyday to work towards that goal πŸ™‚

  • Kelly (Kelroc)/ 20.12.2014Reply

    NIce journals. Love the ones with the quotes, very inspiring. One of my goals for 2015 is grow and learn more in my sewing. I have too many ideas and 2015 is the time to get them out.

    • AEadmin/ 20.12.2014Reply

      The ones with the quotes are my favorites. Im encouraged and inspired every time I pick them up. Yep, now is the time πŸ™‚

  • Joyce in NC/ 20.12.2014Reply

    2015 is my year to be the best that I can be. I plan to take better care of me. I think Journaling will be great to help me in my journey.

    • AEadmin/ 20.12.2014Reply

      Yep it will be great to keep track πŸ™‚

  • Samantha/ 20.12.2014Reply

    To finally make one of my biggest dreams (of the moment) a reality.

    • AEadmin/ 20.12.2014Reply

      The Sam I know can do whatever she sets out to do πŸ™‚

  • nalani/ 21.12.2014Reply

    I love journals and then I don’t want to β€œspoil” them by writing inside. Now, how craaaaazy is that?

    One of my 2015 goals is to create the spaces in my life so I can make the breakthrough for success.

    • AEadmin/ 21.12.2014Reply

      I understand because I have pretty fabric I don’t want to cut lol. You can totally do it πŸ™‚

  • Dede Williams/ 21.12.2014Reply

    Love the journals. When I worked at Vera Bradley, I would by their journals and notebooks because of the patterns. The goal I want to accomplish this year is to be a better me. At times the road does get tough and every now and then I have a screw it attitude about it. So I want to be a better me with consistency. Happy Holidays!!!!!

    • AEadmin/ 30.12.2014Reply

      Yep there will def be rough days but they get better πŸ™‚

  • Mad14kt/Monica/ 22.12.2014Reply

    To not worry πŸ™‚

  • shai/ 22.12.2014Reply

    I LOVE office supplies too like highlighers, pens, post-its and of course journals/notebooks. I went through my journals/notebooks and I have about 50. I had to get rid of some of my used notebooks. I am always tempted in Target because they always have great journals and notebooks. I have ones I have started writing in and stopped. I plan to use more of what I have and not purchase too many in the future.

    • AEadmin/ 30.12.2014Reply

      I go through mine sooooooo quick.

  • Julie/ 22.12.2014Reply

    My goal for 2015 is to improve my sewing skills. You are a great inspiration for that. Love all the journals you have-especially the Paris ones.


    • AEadmin/ 30.12.2014Reply

      I want to continue to learn and improve myself. Thanks so much πŸ™‚

  • CarlatEdwards/ 25.12.2014Reply

    So mad that I missed this. I collect journals as well.

  • Kammie/ 26.12.2014Reply

    Funny, I just realized the other day I hadn’t bought a new journal for this upcoming year….seems every time I buy one I gift it to someone…….this year is about forgiving and letting go, which isn’t always that easy but with bad news that hit a few weeks ago I need to think of only the positive and “let go” of some of the anger that has built. One of my theraputic ways I deal with issues is by writing them down.

    • AEadmin/ 30.12.2014Reply

      Yep let it go. One year we had a SUPER rough year. We wrote down everything we wanted to let go of and then burned the paper we wrote on. It was VERY freeing.

  • nekyia byner/ 26.12.2014Reply

    I am the complete same way .. I love pens, pencils and journals or any cute note taker. BUT YOU GOT TO HAVE A GOOD WRITING PEN.. if you know what i MEAN

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