Adrienne M Nixon | The online store is closing…
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
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The online store is closing…

Hey guys! Ok, so listen. Here is the deal. I went through a “breaking” of sorts. Emotions every where, lots of tears and snot. Like, it was meltdown central. I had a full blown come apart. 

Let me explain a little something…for me, when I’m not balanced emotionally, I CAN NOT SEW. I can NOT create. AT ALL. I don’t care how much I try to force it, it just doesn’t work. 

Once I came out of my little crisis my mind was clear. I started working, planning and implementing changes. 

Sometimes you HAVE to get to “that” point in order for things to come together and make sense. Not just for my sewing, but I had to make some LIFE decisions. I was doing REALLY well with making myself a priority but then something happened and I stopped. “I COME FIRST”. It’s not selfish, I learned the hard way that it is NECESSARY. 

Let me stop rambling lol. 

I have taken a LOT of things down from the online store. The items that are remaining are on sale. Once they are gone, they are GONE. They will never be offered again. You can shop the SALE here: Adrienne M Nixon Sale

October 1, 2019 I will re-open the store with new items. There will be a LOT of changes ;). The way that the custom orders are done will change, EVERYTHING will be overhauled. 

I’m excited and nervous because most people don’t like change. I actually embrace change because nothing and no one remains the same. Change a lot of times means growth and if you aren’t growing…

So there you have it. 

Oh and if you are in the Birmingham area and love to read and eat, I created a book club called Birmingham Books and Bites. Feel free to join the Facebook Group. This is part of putting me first. MAKING time for the things that “I” love and creating what I want to see. 

I’m asking that you share this newsletter with someone that you know. That’s one way to show support. You never know what someone may need 🙂

Until the next blogpost, stay safe and take care of YOU!



  • rory/ 27.07.2019Reply

    I’ve only been following you for about a year, but I really enjoy your blog. I’ve even gone back through your archives to read some of your older posts. With that said, I look forward to what you’ll do in the future. It’s funny how with social media people you’ve never met can feel like a friend. So I’m sending you warm thoughts and lots of love. As I’ve become older, I embrace change. Of course it’s difficul, but sometimes things have to fall apart to rebuild it in a better way. Plan bigger — even if that means that this blog and everything you do occupies a different space. Go take care of yourself. I’ll still be here when you come back.

    • admin/ 29.07.2019Reply

      I truly appreciate your kind words 🙂

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