- Adrienne M Nixon
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
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Ya know, I'm not perfect. I've never claimed to be.  I've had my share of mistakes, mess ups… what ever you want to call them.

Ive learned that people tell and say what they WANT to say. Have you ever asked someone a question and they just totally avoided it? That means they don't want you to know. I don't avoid questions. I'll tell you straight up that it's none of your business. If I feel like it's going to help you not make the same mistakes "I" made, I'll gladly open up and share so YOU won't mess up. But just being nosy? Umm naw playa.

I just saw something that REALLY upset me. It was something I shouldn't have seen but at the same time I kinda think I saw it so I could remeber. Never forget the way I was treated or the way things were totally blown out of line.

I said the other day that Jealousy is a disease and it's JUST as deadly as cancer.  I meant that.

You know it doesn't matter what people say or what they do. ESPECIALLY if you have covered all YOUR bases and told the truth and gotten it right with God. You have NOTHING to worry about. The OTHER people end up looking stupid. It was your fault anyway. YOU opened the door for that mess.I just didn't use my better judgement.

I totally believe that things happen for a reason. The good and not so good. If you are wise, you will learn from all of it. The stupid folks, hold on to it, remind themselves of it and never let it go.

That eats away at you.


Now that I've seen that and gotten it off my chest. I'm GOOD.

The phone call that happened a few months ago, means nothing now. I know it wasn't sincere.

I know you reap what you sow, but when it's time for me to reap (if I haven't already) I'm walking in God's will and I KNOW no weapon formed against me shall prosper. IT WON'T WORK.

I seriously thought about making my blog private, but you know what? I'm not. Who knows what I've gone through and choose to blog about or the lessons that I've learned won't help someone else?

I was thinking about doing a straight craft blog, but that's not me either. All I can be is me. Take it or leave it.

**Back to my regularly scheduled blogging*


  • Desiree/ 22.02.2011Reply

    Adrienne, I’m glad you are keeping your blog public. You know I’m one of those ‘lurkers’ (sp?) that enjoys reading several blogs on occasion, but rarely post a comment. It started while looking for scrapbooking blogs, but now I prefer your type which mixes it up a little. Keep it up, not letting others pull you down or define you.

  • Patricia Richardson/ 22.02.2011Reply

    Adrienne, I am also glad that you are keeping your blog public. I’ve enjoyed reading about you and your family and your crafts. You are a breath of fresh air and I love how you keep it real. You are right, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Turn all things over to the Lord, the good and the bad, and He will take care of them in His time (which is always perfect even when we can’t see it). Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. Blessings to you.

  • Rachelle/ 22.02.2011Reply

    I’m glad you’re staying public too. I love reading your blog. Jealousy is a terrible thing but I look at it like copying…it’s the greatest form of flattery because they want what you have!

  • Candice/ 22.02.2011Reply

    Keep doing what you do best Adrienne! Keep being who God called and ordained you to be…God has gifted your hands, to do so many wonderful things that people only wished that they had the talent to do themselves! Kudos to you Adrienne for telling your haters you know what, you didn’t make me and you sure as won’t break me!

  • toy/ 22.02.2011Reply

    oh boy, what happened?

  • Nicky/ 22.02.2011Reply

    Glad you’re keeping it public – I never comment but love seeing all the fantastic clothes you make. You keep me inspired.

  • Lynnelle/ 22.02.2011Reply

    I’m glad you’re remaining public, too. You crack me up with your ramblings, GTFOOH episodes, and I like your general commentary about life. Sometimes, you just gotta let go. I’ve had to do it; everybody has. Hold fast to your truth and, like you said, be right with the Creator.

  • tlewis/ 22.02.2011Reply

    I’m also glad you are remaining public. I may not always comment but I enjoy reading your blog daily. You have so many talents and gifts that God has blessed you with to share with others. Don’t let anyone take that away!

  • Barrie Haywood/ 22.02.2011Reply

    I’m with Toy! What happened? Just remember that you and yours are walking in the path that God has put before you.
    Blessings and Peace,

  • Kisha/ 22.02.2011Reply

    I’m glad that you’ve decided to continue being YOU. I’ve learned to stop changing me due to the actions of someone else. Changing your blog wouldn’t have changed them. Odd this is your post today, I’ve been “going thru” about the same thing and I feel I’m about to burst at times, almost tired of trying to be nice. Sometimes I feel like the walls are closing in on me (them) but I try to remember..open the door and let their butts OUT. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this, BUT then I also realize, all that we endure is often a test…And this too YOU shall pass (test). Continue to live in God’s word, HE WILL see you through. Don’t ever worry about what “they” do or say (easier said than done I know). I’ve bought and learned that lesson.

  • L. Michelle/ 22.02.2011Reply

    Oh wow. Do you need me to dress down in black and grease up my face and ride on somebody????

  • Carla/ 22.02.2011Reply

    Amen. As long as you are wearing your Armour of God there is nothing that a fool can do to harm you. Keep it pushing.
    Stay Highly Favored and Blessed

  • Beth Conkwright/ 22.02.2011Reply

    I enjoy your blog and if someone else doesn’t tell them to quit reading it. duh

  • Cas.../ 22.02.2011Reply

    I hear ya!
    Be Encouraged!

  • CarlaF-in Atlanta/ 22.02.2011Reply

    Hang in there girl! Don’t let anyone force you to go private with your blog if YOU don’t want to. Remember people do change but some people can’t change until they let go. That’s on them.

  • Thomisia/ 22.02.2011Reply

    Agreed and agreed. Keep your head up and doing your thing! (I already know you will, lol.)

  • Sheri D. Maple/ 22.02.2011Reply

    I say keeping doing what you want to do. You shouldn’t allow anyone to change who are or what you want to do. I say the word that begins with an F and end with K them.

  • Andrea Hendricks/ 22.02.2011Reply

    Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers us from the all…It’s all good, nothing just happens.

  • Charlene/ 22.02.2011Reply

    I too believe that everything happens for a reason. Live for you and your family and ALWAYS follow your hart in all that you do.
    I enjoy reading your blog. I have experience encouragement, hope, laugher, and tears. So, somethings when you cry, I cry. Stay Real!

  • Ty/ 24.02.2011Reply

    I really enjoy your blog and am glad you are out there as a source of inspiration and admiration. I don’t know what situation you are referring to here, but I often find myself asking the question “why can’t people just be decent?” My family always laugh at me because I ask that question at least once a week. Fact is everyone is NOT decent and there is nothing we can do to change do except how we respond. Just keep living your life and you will surely be blessed.

  • TJ/ 24.02.2011Reply

    I’m glad you are still here.

  • sherri/ 25.02.2011Reply

    Thanks. I don’t read as often as I used to because I have little people now. I’d hate to come back and think your blog was gone again.
    You never know who you touch by way of just being you…. 😉
    Good Fortune!!

  • monica/ 28.02.2011Reply

    Hi Adrienne,
    I’m so happy you decided to keep your blog public, too! You are an inspiration to me–not just all your creative and well-executed creations but your uplifting way of handling life. I just love reading your insights and perspectives. I come to be entertained but I always leave feeling a little stronger. You probably do that for a lot of people. Don’t let one jerk bring you down.

  • MeccaSimone/ 01.03.2011Reply

    Hi Adrienne,
    I’m a lurker as well. Your blog has inspired SO much of my creativity. Im not much of a talker, until you get to know me and then I cant shut up lol. I just wanted to pop in really quick and say thank you for sharing your light with the world.

  • Melanie/ 14.03.2011Reply

    I must say for a while now I’ve been totally confused about what’s going on, and I’m still confused as to what’s going on, but I realized as long as you and your family are being watched by god it really doesn’t matter about being nosy and knowing what’s going on, you’ve always seemed like a good person to me and I love reading your blog and to me that’s all that matters….whatever it is always keep your head up and let god worry about the rest.

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