I spent my birthday in LA with Mimi G :)
Sooooooooooooooooo if you read Mimi G's blog you already know we spent our birthdays together. We had a BLAST. We got home a couple days ago and I am sick as a dog (seems like I was sick the entire trip) but I got it IN on this trip.
This will possibly be the most pictures I've EVER uploaded into one post soooooo I'll keep the words minimal lol. Just scroll through lol.
I was taking alka seltzer shots at the airport lol.
Met a lady who loved minions as much as me.
Our flight was delayed because of the shooting. MANNN MY PHONE BLEW UP. A lot of folks knew when I was leaving but I had NO clue what was going on. More on that later.
Finally on the plane and in the air.
First stop…
We celebrated our bdays together! Great food (that we cooked lol), friends and tons of laughter lol.
The look on my face when I realized what was in my box lol
Take #2 lol This was so good lol.
This store was insane. Tony had more fun than we did lol. He hauled all the fabric lol and paid for all mine lol
I felt like crap in this pic lol but I ate all my food.
The food was SO GOOD. I'm now addicted to macroons. I want to find a place locally that has some. Something tells me they wont be as good. Humph.
Deep fried french toast. THIS WAS SO GOOD!
I love him. Let me tell y'all about this California sun. Its superduper bright. I hardly EVER wear sunnies. HARDLY EVER. I wore them the entire time. Felt like my eyes were on FIRE lol. I was born in LongBeach but maybe momma never let us go outside lol
This was hilarious lol. You had to have been there.
We wouldnt' have paid for this if we knew he was going to use a pre made crepe. FAIL. And they were horrible. NOTHING like the awesomeness that we had in New York .
Yes I have on sequin leggins at the beach lol.
These mussels freaked me out. Folks were picking them and eating them right there. YUCK. We peeked in them and they were moving. **GAG**
Dinner…dont' ask. Oh while we were there we LITERALLY saw folks have xes on the beach. NO LIE.
One of Tony's long time friends (like back with Patrick long time friends) was in LA and we HAD to hook up. If you look real close at his hand that big ole huge ring is a superbowl ring. I've never seen one IRL so I was all inspecting it lol. He came to the gathering we had here after Patrick passed, but I don't remember seeing it then lol.
And this was take #3 lol. The food is SO good.
Our pool…well the hotels pool lol
Our rental that we both loved. Now tony has new car fever. I however do NOT. I have new house fever but more on that later lol.
Sinful. I tell you. I ate so much.
HA! Tony know knows who she is lol.
Shes made out of some kinda candy lol.
Y'all know I was in minion heaven right!?
Everyone had their phone taking pics lol
While we were eating dinner, there was a high speed chase being shown on the news…welllllllll
It just so happend to be right out side our restaurant, and Tony got great pics lol
Yep, sequin leggins lol. These are kinda out of order now lol
I love how this building was covered in greenery!
over 50k sequin? y'all KNOW I couldn't leave without a picture lol
and the trip comes to an end. We had SUCH a great time.
We finished the trip off by a treat in Atlanta Airport. Mo has me HOOKED on this place lol. Well I guess that is it lol. That's enough! We had a great time. The highlight had to be cooking with Mimi and meeting her friends and family. It's a birthday I won't soon forget.
Ernise/ 08.11.2013
Looks like y’all had a great time!
Robin Michael Rush/ 08.11.2013
LA/Cali is a great place, good food, good sightseeing, lots of sun–looks like you had a fabulous time–Happy Birthday Adrienne and Mimi!
Carla/ 08.11.2013
So jealous! Happy Birthday again. i am glad you had a great time.
Dawm/ 08.11.2013
Happy belated birthday! What an awesome way to celebrate. God’s continued blessing on you and your family.
Cashana/ 08.11.2013
I just love travel picture posts! You all looked like you had a ball. Happy Belated Birthday!
Godsgirlt/ 08.11.2013
Happy Belated Birthday! Looks like such a blast!
Adrienne/ 09.11.2013
We had a blast!!! Pictures don’t really do it any justice!
Adrienne/ 09.11.2013
We had a great time and thanks!!
Adrienne/ 09.11.2013
LOL thanks girl!
Adrienne/ 09.11.2013
Thanks Dawn!
Adrienne/ 09.11.2013
Thank you! We had a great time! I think I”m still recovering lol
Adrienne/ 09.11.2013
Thank you!
toni/ 10.11.2013
The smothered chicken at Roscoe’s is EVERYTHING!!!! LOL! I’m glad you had a great birthday!
Roz/ 10.11.2013
Happy Birthday and many more to you both! God Bless!
Adrienne/ 10.11.2013
Girl you aint NEVA lied lol
Adrienne/ 10.11.2013
Thanks Roz!
orchidophile/ 11.11.2013
Goodness! The food…oh, the food! I’m glad that y’all had a great time.
Adrienne/ 11.11.2013
I’m detoxing this week lol. I ate SO MUCH GOOD FOOD Lol
DisneyCyndi/ 18.11.2013
Just getting to see this for the first time. Looks like a great time was had by all!!!
Tiffany/ 01.12.2013
Hey, Adrienne! I’m up perusing the net, trying to finish my Christmas shopping and thought about you. I hope all is well. Looks like you guys has a fantastic time in LA! And as always, love your fashions, Girl. You make me want to sew!
BestPeplumDress/ 15.03.2014
Happy Birthday ladies! Wish I was there. How will you all keep those beautiful figures with all that food. I’d be poppin some buttons by now cause I would have eating everything you had in those pics.