3rd Annual Mimi G Conference| My Week in LA
Last Tuesday I flew alllllllllllll the way to LA to be with my girlie Mimi. It was time for the 3rd Annual Mimi G Conference so that was a PERFECT time to go visit lol.
There was a TON of work involved but soooooooooo much fun.
I can’t even begin to tell you guys what a great experience it was. When registration opens for 2015 GET YOUR SPOT! I’m NOT just saying that because I love Mimi, I’m saying it because it was an amazing experience.
While all the sewing tips, fabric shopping and information in general was fantastic the love, support and encouragement from all the women there left me in awe.
I don’t think I’ve ever been around such an amazing group of women from all walks of life. This was MORE than just a sewing conference. Friendships were made. It was so great to connect with so many women who I see on Instagram or in the sewing group. It was fun to hug everyone and ohh and ahhh over pretty fabric, but one of my favorite moments during conference time was hanging out with Kelly and Candice. They are JEWELS.
If you follow me on Instagram then you have seen most of these pictures but here are just a few pictures that I was able to take:
In the hotel room before the event started. This was such a special moment. *tear*
Randy was amazing. He made sure I had Starbucks lol. No seriously lol. He’s Mimi’s right hand man.
Sweetie pie Candice. I LIKE YOU! lol
Kelllllyyyyyyyyyyyy. I’ve known Kelly FOREVER but this was our first time meeting. She’s the bomb and CRAZAAAAAYYYYY lol
Be Bold Be Fabulous Be You! The one and ONLY Natasha!
The AWESOME Stephanie Brown Grant. You don’t know her? GOOGLE HER!
The rest of the time was even more fun. The last time I went to LA Tony was with me, but this time he didn’t go so I did some exploring on my own. WOOHOO.
My most shocking moment was realizing gas was $4.99 a gallon. SAY WHAT NOW!? My face was ALL balled up lol. I won’t be complaining about the $3.16 I pay here anymore lol.
Here’s a quick dump of pictures :
When Mimi did the big reveal about her new Simplicity Patterns. I teared up. I’m so very, very proud of her. If y’all think she inspires YOU… When we took our trip to NY last fall I told her this was just the beginning and it really is 🙂 and yes I stole this picture from her blog lol. I’ll admit it lol
First stop was for Deep Fried French Toast lol. I started craving this about a week before I left lol
We both picked up these amazing journals. I’m totally addicted to journals/notebooks.
When I tell you we ate Good-T?! We ate GOOD. **as I sip my green smoothie*
Yeah. No Words. Thankful though 🙂
This butter cake though….AMAZING
Hi mom’s blogger friends!!! (this is jaelyn)…k …bye….
Now that Jaelyn has finished hi-jacking this post…
So I made a dress to wear to a charity event that I was going to attend with Randy and Mimi. Welllllll I made the dress and DID NOT TRY IT ON before I left. Why didn’t I? For what? I KNOW it will fit. WRONG.
I tried it on and it was WAY too big. Like WAY. There was no time to fix it so I started to have a meltdown. A BIG ONE. Mimi was all just wear something in my closet. Ummm HELLOOOOOOOO lol we are not the same size lol. She said wear this…it will stretch lol. I wanted to laugh but I was on the verge of tears. I wasn’t going to go THEN she said ADRIENNE THE LEATHER SKIRTS!! Two days prior we purchased these fabulous leather/knit skirts in both colors that the store had available. We then found a shirt in her closet that would fit me. Man listen. She is made out of magic lol. Tragedy avoided lol
Stole this one from her blog too but I was there and I’m in the pictures so TECHNICALLY it’s not stealing lol. I have never laughed so hard in all my life. These two guys were HILARIOUS and so nice lol
Yep snatched from Instagram lol
I love meeting people that I have met while blogging. Non-superwoman is one of the sweetest women and has such a sweet spirit. I enjoyed talking with her over apple pie, ice-cream and coleslaw lol
Larry , owner of Michael Levine was absolutely amazing. He took me over to see the warehouse and explained how everything worked. This store is a very well oiled machine. Larry is soooo nice.
Selfie!! Everything in this room is $2.50 per pound. There is some GORGEOUS FABRIC IN THIS ROOM!!! OH MY WORD!
More food. *sips green smoothie*
Last but not least I HAVE to thank Portia again for my lovely gift:
When Portia gave me my gift bag I told her thank you and put it in my purse because I was a tad bit busy. We then went to the fabric store and I forgot. After the conference was ALL over we were eating dinner and I reached into my purse and had to CALM MYSELF DOWN BECAUSE THERE WAS A MINION IN MY PURSE lol. The Starbucks gift card and her note was so sweet. It’s now in my happy corner.
My most memorable moment of this trip? Probably when Mimi and I were up at 1 am laughing until we almost wet our pants at old pictures and ordering the new Vogue patterns lol
Alright guys that’s all I have lol
charlene/ 24.07.2014
Hey Adrianne, I was there too. It was a really nice experience. I hope to attend next year.
AEadmin/ 24.07.2014
Awesome wasn’t it!! I already can’t wait lol
Sheila/ 24.07.2014
Looks like a great time was had by all. Thanks for sharing.
AEadmin/ 24.07.2014
We all had a ball!
Monique/ 24.07.2014
The striped shoes and polka dot shirt with the black pencil skirt…LOVEEEE!!!
AEadmin/ 24.07.2014
Thanks Monique!
Roz/ 24.07.2014
This is incredible-So happy for Mimi G and You! May God continue to bless you both abundantly!!!!!
AEadmin/ 24.07.2014
Aww thanks so much Roz!
Vanessa/ 24.07.2014
Awwww!! Every woman should have a friendship like yours and Mimi’s!!! Many blessings to both of you! You look so radiant and beautiful! And congrats to Mimi on all her success!! This is the first I am hearing about the Simplicity patterns, and I will DEFINITELY be buying them when they come out!
AEadmin/ 24.07.2014
I agree lol. I think I went through all the bad/messed up friendships to show me how to be a good friend. You would think “I” had patterns I’m so excited for her lol
Candice/ 24.07.2014
Looks like everyone had a blessed time, thanks for sharing!
AEadmin/ 24.07.2014
We really did Candice. It was MORE than just a sewing conference.
Nancy/ 24.07.2014
Do you mind if I ask where you bought the journals? I could use a reminder like that on my desk.
AEadmin/ 24.07.2014
Staples. Aren’t they pretty!?
Angie B./ 24.07.2014
I have been waiting for your post. LOL I saw all of the instagram pics and ended up following more sewing people because of it. I am hoping I am able to attend #4 in 2015.
Looking to see you and Mimi G. there, it’s funny because I have been following her and raving about her since her first blog- the one she has now is the 3rd.
You both are just getting bigger and better.
I am so happy for both of you. It is great to see success stories.
I feel like I know you both so well, but I have not even met you yet.
AEadmin/ 25.07.2014
The internet is just great like that!!! IT’s like meeting old friends lol
NONSuperwoman/ 24.07.2014
So glad I was part of your LA trip 🙂 you’re a gem.
AEadmin/ 25.07.2014
MEEE TOOOO and so are you!
Monique/ 24.07.2014
What an amazing trip and amazing life! You do realize that you are living out your dreams, right? Like, in Technicolor and everything! So proud of you and Mimi for stepping out on faith and making it happen.
AEadmin/ 25.07.2014
Awww **tear**
Carolyn Franklin/ 24.07.2014
Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience, looks like a great time was had by all. OMGosh all the fabric and the food, lol.
AEadmin/ 25.07.2014
LOL You know I LOVE to eat lol
Pserendipity/ 24.07.2014
You WERKED that pencil skirt!! Looks like a fabulous time. 🙂
AEadmin/ 25.07.2014
THanks! We had a BLAST!
Vickey/ 25.07.2014
You are such an inspiration and I love all the items you make. I am forever running out getting the patterns you have and love the way you change them up. Keep it up and God Bless.
AEadmin/ 25.07.2014
Awww thanks Vickey!
Shanna/ 26.07.2014
I had an AMAZING time at the conference with you guys. I am soooo looking forward to next year.
toni/ 26.07.2014
Looks like so much fun! It’s so good when like minded people come together and have a good time. But I can’t with those food pics! *sips water*
Tany/ 29.07.2014
That must have been a blast, thanks for sharing these amazing photos, Adrienne!!! Mimi is a very lucky and talented lady indeed!!
Alethia Hudson/ 12.08.2014
Adrienne, Adrienne, Adrienne, this is my first time seeing this…I enjoyed reading EVERY line! Thanks for sharing all the pictures! You are the gem and your spirit is parallel to non!! You all are doing a fantastic job !
AEadmin/ 13.08.2014
Awww girl. 🙂