White Button Down & Leather
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
Adrienne M Nixon Fashion Designer Birmingham Alabama
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White Button Down & Leather

White Button Down & Leather

White Button Down & Leather

One of my favorite things to do when I take breaks during my workday or when I have down time is to look on pinterest and instagram. I’m always so inspired by SOMETHING that I see.

I took a screen shot when I saw this gorgeous woman wearing a super cute shirt lol

White Button Down & Leather


As normal I fell in LOVE and wanted one lol. That is normally how it happens. I love that God has given me a gift where I can pretty much make anything I see. I truly give Him all the praise.

White Button Down & Leather

White Button Down & Leather

White Button Down & Leather

White Button Down & Leather

White Button Down & Leather

White Button Down & Leather

I don’t know what I was looking at but I LOVE this black and white picture!White Button Down & Leather

My accessories were minimal. I wore a sparkly statement necklace, bracelet and studs.

I paired my button down shirt with a pair of faux leather pants I picked up from

Forever21 early last fall.

For those of you who sew, here is a review:

Butterick 6097

White Button Down & Leather

Pattern Description: Fitted shirt has collar and peplum variations, princess seams, and front button band. A and B: pleated peplum. C: stitched hem on sleeves. A, B and C: collar band. B and D: pleats, continuous lap and button cuffs on sleeves. C and D: narrow hem and shaped hemline, wrong side shows. Purchased bias tape finishes armholes A and neckline D.

Pattern Sizing: 6-14 I made the 14

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
Yes, pretty much.

Were the instructions easy to follow? These instructions are very well written.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I loved that it was almost exact to my inspiration.

Fabric Used: Cotton Lycra Woven

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I added four inches to the back peplum and added more volume by slashing and spreading it until I got the desired fullness. I shortened the front by 3 inches.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? This is a great pattern if you like this style. I don’t think I will make this one again for myself.

Conclusion: Great pattern. It went together very well.


  • Natasha B|fashionably fabulous/ 04.02.2015Reply

    I love this top A. It is classic with a twist. You can never go wrong with a classic crisp white button down. It is a stable. You look great.

    • AEadmin/ 05.02.2015Reply

      Thanks Natasha! I’m ready to wear it again lol

  • Candice/ 04.02.2015Reply

    Love it Adrienne!

  • Melanie/ 04.02.2015Reply

    Yes Mam. You did this. I love Sweeneestyle, and I love your twist on your style. The top is excellent as I always think of a white crisp tailored top with a collar as a wardrobe stable. Oh and your hair is on point as well. Great look friend. Keep inspiring us.

  • NaTisha/ 04.02.2015Reply

    I love it… now, I want one

    • AEadmin/ 05.02.2015Reply

      LOL thanks! That’s how it works lol

  • lucy/ 04.02.2015Reply

    I really love this look and this top I must make this. I just pinned this to my pinterest wall of inspiration.

  • Hattie Morris/ 04.02.2015Reply

    I’m so loving that crisp white shirt and with the legging you look fantastic. I went wow once I first seen it this morning on face book! You are besutiful inside and out. More Blessings to you.

    • AEadmin/ 05.02.2015Reply

      Aww thanks so much for your kind words Hattie!

  • Cashana/ 04.02.2015Reply

    I love the shirt!

  • TJ/ 04.02.2015Reply

    Beautiful shirt!

  • Olynda Morris/ 04.02.2015Reply

    Beautiful, I do not think I would have taken a second look if you hadn’t make this one!

  • Andrea/ 04.02.2015Reply

    I now know which basic white shirt I need. Lovely look.

  • NONSuperwoman/ 05.02.2015Reply

    Love this whole look!

  • Nancy/ 05.02.2015Reply

    I have this pattern and am now inspired to make it! I really like your version as well as your inspiration. Thanks for the review!

    • AEadmin/ 05.02.2015Reply

      Thanks Nancy! It’s a great pattern.

  • Ann's Fashion Studio/ 06.02.2015Reply

    “Love” the shirt. It looks awesome!!

  • Gloria markiewicz/ 06.02.2015Reply

    I love the white shirt and I love the hair style, really great! Gloria

  • Carolyn/ 08.02.2015Reply

    This is a great blouse and I love how you’ve paired it with the leather leggings. Wonderful outfit!

  • Whitney/ 10.02.2015Reply

    Wow!! You’re extremely talented!! I make (and sell) pillows and draperies, but can never follow a pattern well enough to make a piece right. I love this blouse!! And, your leather pants look so comfy! #blmgirls

    • AEadmin/ 17.02.2015Reply

      Thank you so much! Girl I HATE draperies lol

  • Thriftanista in the City/ 10.02.2015Reply

    The shirt is lovely! The entire outfit is fab. You look great.

  • robincharmagne/ 11.02.2015Reply

    You look so cute, on the hunt for a white shirt. Cool outfit with just the right accessories!

  • Evanny/ 03.06.2015Reply

    This is so lovely! I just picked this pattern up not too long ago and seeing your results makes me excited to sew it up.

  • Mary/ 12.02.2016Reply

    So loving this shirt

    • admin/ 18.02.2016Reply

      Thanks Mary!

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