Adrienne’s Little World…Video Edition. Fire & Friendship…
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Adrienne’s Little World…Video Edition. Fire & Friendship…
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The video explains the pics!
More later!
Brenda/ 20.02.2014
OMG, Adrienne! Happy you’re okay! The dress looked beautiful and you definitely worked the applique. Glad to know your client will be okay as well. Reminder to us all, no extension cords with those steamers as they get really hot!!!! How do I know?!? YOU are still blessed with a home still standing and mostly YOUR life! STAY safe.
Carol C. Ware/ 21.02.2014
Glad to hear you are OK!! I feel for your client but it could have been much worse. Take care of yourself and don’t let the past get you down. The past is the past and you need to heal. You might want to get someone in to look at the wiring and the cause of the fire. Anywooooo – glad you are OK.
Moe/ 22.02.2014
Glad to hear you are okay … This setback was only a test :).
You hit the nail on the head with the friends thing. Wedding brought out of side of my “friends” and some family that I didn’t imagine or even know exist.
Miesha Roshawn/ 22.02.2014
My heart just sank! I’m glad the bride and you are able to move forward! I told my cousin today that I don’t make my decisions based on my emotions. It’s a dangerous game to play.