Happy 16th Anniversary
Happy 16th Wedding Anniversary to US.
I met Tony in 1993. This picture was taken in 1994. We've been FRIENDS FOR TWENTY YEARS. Let that sink in.
20 years, married 16.
I sit back and I think about all the things we've been through since 1993.
A lot.
I think about the times not even "I" thought we would make it. I'm sure he had those moments too.
Then I sit back and look at HOW we made it through each and every one of our trials.
We've made it through.I thank God for that. I thank God for making our friendship and marriage stronger over the years.
We are the best of friends. We enjoy each others company. Every now and then we aren't each others favorite person. We love each other but there are times when we don't LIKE each other at all lol.
Tony is my DUDE. He is the only guy for me. He is MY GUY. I love him and I like him a whole bunch
Looking forward to many, many, many, many, MANY more years together.
Sarah B/ 01.02.2013
Happy anniversary!
My love and I have been friends for 20 years too, although we have only been “together” for 3. We were each other’s “one that got away” – we found each other after a few mistakes.
I hope you continue as blessed as we have been!
Cy Patterson/ 01.02.2013
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! And wish you many many more. You look so wonderFul and happy together. You are blessed and it’s great you realize it. May God continue to bless you and you family. With HIM all is possible!
Regina/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary! On February 16th my husband and I will be married for 29 years and we are too old to remember how many years we have been friends. (LOL) Many blessings to you and your family.
Elaray/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary! Continue to be Blessed!
Pam W/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary and here’s to many more!!!
Beth Conkwright/ 01.02.2013
Congrats. Have a fun Anniversary. We’ll be celebrating 37 this June. Man I’m I getting old.
Rachelle/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary and I hope you have many more.
Joyce in NC/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary to you both!! Best wishes for many, many more years together.
S23/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary! This is wonderful! And a great example for your kids.
LaToria/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary. May GOD continue to bless you both.
unityfalls/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary. You two have a great day and may god continue to bless your family.
Dawn/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversay and God’s continued blessings!
Victoria/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary!!!! Such a great friendship and partnership is a BLESSING!!!! Enjoy growing old an gray together:)
tj/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary!
Cheryl (NC Peach)/ 01.02.2013
Aww, I love it! Happy “Sweet” 16 you two!!
Mimi/ 01.02.2013
How wonderful! My husband and I will celebrate 17 this year, and we have never been happier! (I mean that, literally)
Mechelle/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary to you two. Wishing you both continued blessings.
Mpressivethreadzstudio.wordpress.com/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary! You looked happy back then and you look so happy now. Such blessings. I wish you both many years together. Enjoy!
CarlaF-in Atlanta/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary! How wonderful to be married to your friend
Congratulations to you both.
Faye Lewis/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary!
Rashun/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary! February 5th will be 14 years for me!!!
Jackie/ 01.02.2013
Happy Anniversary!
Brenda/ 01.02.2013
Congratulations on your 20 yr. union! You are a beautiful couple. Praying for your continued happiness!!! My husband and I were married on February 13th., the month of love. lol. God Bless you and your family.
Omega Brooks/ 02.02.2013
Happy Anniversary & Congratulations! God bless you with many, many more years!
Tanya/ 02.02.2013
Happy Anniversary and many moooooooore.
toy/ 03.02.2013
Awwwwwwww. So cute. God bless you both.
Nizzy/ 03.02.2013
Happy Anniversary and here’s to being blessing with another 16 years plus.
Carolanne/ 03.02.2013
Happy Anniversary! You are a beautiful couple with a beautiful family…
Thomisia/ 03.02.2013
Happy Anniversary! May God bless you with many more.
K. Rock/ 04.02.2013
Happy anniversary guys!!
bayoucreole/ 04.02.2013
What a blessing! Happy Anniversary (belated) to you both!
D/ 04.02.2013
Happy Anniversary- I am so glad you have allowed God to bring you through 16/20 years.
It only gets better with time.
Bunny/ 05.02.2013
Happy Anniversary!!!! What a Blessing!!!
Kurlylicious/ 05.02.2013
Happy, Happy Anniversary and Blessings for many, many more!
Heather/ 05.02.2013
orchidophile/ 05.02.2013
Happy anniversary! You are so blessed. BLESSED!
Mecca/ 08.02.2013
Aww Congrats!
Jakki/ 09.02.2013
Happy SOOOOO belated Anniversary. You are blessed with a beautiful love!
MrsTDJ/ 15.02.2013
Happy belated anniversary sis!! You and Tony remind me of my hubby and I. Big hugs and prayers for many more years together in love!
Molly Stevens/ 01.03.2013
Congratulations! I always love to see happy couples making their way through so many years! My husband and I just celebrated our 3rd anniversary and he is always trying to find the perfect anniversary gifts by year! He always puts so much thought and love into them! Here’s to another great year for you guys!
Tiffany/ 02.03.2013
Hi, adrienne! I just thought about you and decided to pop on over to your blog to see how you and your family is doing. Everyone looks great! I just had to comment on this post because it is sooooo good to see young couples happy and doing their thang. Happy anniversary, girl, and many more.