Happy 14th Anniversary!!
It's our anniversary today! I can't tell y'all how blessed I am. How blessed WE are.
When I look at these pictures it amazes me how young we were. I'm soooo thankful for this man.
We have had our share of ups and downs and even lower downs lol, but we have made it through them all.
I can honestly say that getting married at 19, I had NO clue how to handle marriage. Add to that an 11 month old, and we were an instant family. Tony and I have literally grown up together. He has seen me at my lowest low. Like bottom of the barrel low, and he stuck by my side.
When I look at the state of some marriages today, it seems like people don't realize what they are saying in their vows. For better or for worse..sometimes you get to the "for worse" before you get to "for better". You just have to hang in there.
Words can't describe how much I love this man. He has sacrificed soooooo much for us and I don't take it lightly. He is my best friend. I love the way he loves me. He is my perfect match. He knows just what to say and when to say it. He makes me laugh and he even makes me want to kick him in the knee cap but I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.
Everyday that I'm with him it's a gift. Everyday that I'm able to tell him that I love him and show him that I love him, is a wonderful day. I'm glad that we are able to talk about any and everything. That has NOT always been the case, but we have learned that being open and honest about everything no matter how upset you think the other is going to be is the ONLY way to go.
I consider us to be "seasoned" now. We certainly haven't been through it all, but God has brought us through a LOT! A WHOLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE lot lol.
Thank you for being my perfect man. I love you dearly!!! Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to many, many, many, MANY more years together!
Candice/ 01.02.2011
Adrienne Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! God is good and I wish you two plenty more to come!
DD/ 01.02.2011
AAAWWWWWWWW CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have been married for 17 years and have been through a WHOOLLLEEE Lot too! But family is PRICELESS and worth everything!! Enjoy!!
Shannon/ 01.02.2011
Congratulations! You are so right, sometimes you have to get through the worse to get to the better! May you have many more blessed years together!
momy4him/ 01.02.2011
Happy Anniversary! 14 years!! May God bless you with many more!
Ang/ 01.02.2011
Awesome! Congratulations to the both of you and may God continue to bless!
toy/ 01.02.2011
YAY, Happy Anniversary, wow, I am so happy for you guys, another year, how beautiful!
Regina/ 01.02.2011
Happy 14th Anniversary! Next year on your 15th, you should have a renew your vows celebration and make the dress! Just thinking. (LOL)
Beth Conkwright/ 01.02.2011
Happy Happy Anniversary. I married young too, only 17 my Dad had to sign for me to marry. We will be celebrating our 35th this June. Time flies by. You look like your daughter in your wedding pics. Do you ever think I was only 4 years older than my daughter when I got married. Scary thought. I thought my girls where babies at 17. I always tell them my mother had passed away and I didn’t have anyone to tell me I was just a baby when I got married. I was lucky married a gem so here we are 35 years later with five great children and nine wonderful grandchildren. Life is fun.
Alisa/ 01.02.2011
Happy Anniversary!!!
thoughtsofsoutherngal/ 01.02.2011
Beautiful post! Happy Anniversary!
LadyLee/ 01.02.2011
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Victoria/ 01.02.2011
Awwwwhhhh, sniff, sniff! Happy Anniversary to you both. There’s nothing like having a Best Friend in your mate! May the two of you have many happy more years ahead of you!!!!
Sheila/ 01.02.2011
Happy Anniversary and many blessed more.
Jurista/ 01.02.2011
Awesome! I didn’t realize you got married so young. You ain’t never lied about the “for better” and “for worse” because we don’t always stop and think about the ‘worse’ for some reason.
You are the epitome of growth, love and understanding. Enjoy your anniversary!
Rachelle/ 01.02.2011
That is such a beautiful story. Congratulations!
Tanya/ 01.02.2011
Happy Anniversary, the pics are cute.
GodsgirlT/ 01.02.2011
Congratulations!!! Truly special….marriage is. Enjoyed looking at your pictures! Enjoy your day!
Tiffany In Houston/ 01.02.2011
Happy anniversary! 14 years! Awesome!
I barely even knew my name at age 19, so the fact that you were a mother and wife blows my mind. I was still getting drunk off MD 20/20 at that age! LOL!!!!
tlewis/ 01.02.2011
What a wonderful testimony for marriage! Continue to praise God and count your blessings! Have fun in the many years to come! Congrats!
Vanessa/ 01.02.2011
Happy anniversary! It sounds like you and your hubby are in a great place! You are right that people don’t take vows as seriously now. It is hard to have patience and persevere during a tough time in marriage (especially in this instant, I want it now society) but those that patiently perseverw will receive a great reward! Enjoy your rewards!
sundaze/ 01.02.2011
Wow, I hadn’t realized how much your son favors Tony until I saw that 1st pic. Dude spit him out!! Lol.
Happy anniversary and congrats on 14 years!!
Alethia/ 01.02.2011
Awesome post, happy annivesary. May God bless you and Tony and take it from someone who is getting ready to celebrate 31 years of being married to same person, it gets better with time. Although I agree with you sometimes I want to kick him not only in the knee cap but… I leave the rest to your imagination. Happy Anniversary and God bless you and your family…
Carla/ 01.02.2011
aww, that’s sweet
opal215/ 01.02.2011
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary…
Brenda Jefferson/ 01.02.2011
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary. WoW, 14 years is outstanding. Have a blessed and happy day in Him.
Neecha/ 01.02.2011
Happy Anniversay! You guys look like your oldest daughter and baby boy standing up there taking those vows. God Bless you guys! And may you enjoy many more years together!
Gladys/ 01.02.2011
Awww…this is beautiful, Adrienne! I see Kayla all over you! You all look like a miniature bride and groom, but so cute! Congratulations on 14 years of marriage, lady!
Linda/ 01.02.2011
Such a lovely post. Congrats on finding such a wonderful man. I wish you 40 more happy years together.
mzinspiredmind/ 01.02.2011
Happy Anniversary! Beautiful post and beautiful couple!
Kim/ 01.02.2011
Adrienne! yall look like babies! And it turns out you were! You should be very proud because together you are a beautiful couple with a gorgeous solid happy family. Not many have that. Congrats!
Kimberly/ 01.02.2011
Happy Anniversary! Great photos!
It’s wonderful to look back and remember the beginning!
Wishing you and hubby the best!
Lilian/ 01.02.2011
Happy anniversary Adrienne and Tony!! So nice to read that your lives are still filled with love and respect for each other. I truly hope you can have this for the rest of your lives.
NC Peach/ 01.02.2011
Happy Anniversary you two! May God continue to bless you in your journey together! Here’s to 50 more!!
Carolanne/ 01.02.2011
Congratulations on your Anniversary!! Your post brought tears to my eyes. You are indeed a very lucky woman and he is a lucky man. I applaud you for making it work with love and communication and a genuine respect for each other and your marriage. It’s truly a rarity these days….thank you for sharing! xoxo
TJ/ 01.02.2011
Happy Anniversary!!! What a sweet post!
manecoarse/ 01.02.2011
Happy, happy, happy anniversary!
Marla/ 01.02.2011
Happy Anniversary Adrienne!
Lisa @celebrate CREATIVITY/ 01.02.2011
Awesome, awesome post. I love the photos too.
Congrats on your wonderful anniversary. WOW!!
Cassandra/ 01.02.2011
What a wonderful post. You’re very blessed. I do hope you have many many more years of wedded bliss in your lives.
Be Encouraged!
CarlaF-in Atlanta/ 01.02.2011
Happy 14th and many, many, many more
Omega Brooks/ 01.02.2011
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! You’re a beautiful couple building a beautiful family…Congratulations!
Dr. Z/ 01.02.2011
Happy Anniversary!
narcissaqtpie/ 02.02.2011
You guys are living proof. Happy Anniversary!!
Bunny/ 02.02.2011
BEAUTIFUL!!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!! AJ and Tony WOW can you say TWINS!!!!
MrsTDJ/ 02.02.2011
Awww, how beautiful! Happy Anniversary to you guys and wishing you many more years of togetherness! Ya’ll are too cute and young in those wedding pics!
Rolana/ 02.02.2011
Happy Anniversary!! I hope you and Tony are blessed with many happy years together!
Kisha/ 03.02.2011
I know I’ve already said this BUT again Happy Anniversary! It’s such a blessing to have a wonderful married relationship. Most people don’t adhere to the vows they took..they take it for granted. Fact, everyday won’t be sunshine but during those times of storm God is right there helping you through..then comes a beautiful rainbow:) You know I could go on and on about relationships/love/commentment/etc. I’m always happy to see a couple loving each other..through thick and thin. I hope is for the Nixon’s to share many many more BLESSED minutes, hours, days and years together..can’t wait to see yall in those rockers:)
Hidi/ 03.02.2011

God Bless you and your family. I wish you many more years of marriage.
Katrina/ 03.02.2011
Congratulations!!!! For Better or Worse… you are sooo right! Kick to the Knee cap kick or Brick at the head (as I say), same difference! lol I know what you mean but when it all boils down the love, respect and friendship has to be there. So good to see a young couple working hard to make it work and setting an example for your kids and others. May you two have many, many more blessed years!
Your husband looks like a little boy in the pictures!!! I had to look twice; He looks just like your son AJ!
Heather/ 04.02.2011
A beautiful and open declaration of your love for each other. I hope you are blessed with many more of the happier years.
Pam/ 04.02.2011
Happy Anniversary! May God continue to bless you with many more years together. You are a beautiful couple.
Cynta Outterbridge/ 04.02.2011
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
orchidophile/ 04.02.2011
BLESSED! Happy anniversary!
Edris/ 07.02.2011
I am on the late show. Happy Anniversary! You guys look like babies in those pics. LOL! So glad you made it through the ups and downs. May your love continue to grow stronger.
Tammy/ 09.02.2011
I am late too! Happy Anniversary! I look at your blog from time to time to see what you are sewing and it is alway nice to see your family blossom. So many people throw away what they have these days. You and your hubby give me faith that real and lasting love is possible! Congrats to you and your lovely family. Thanks for the inspiration! Peace and blessings!
Tany/ 22.02.2011
OMG, I’m so late! I wish you guys all the happyness in the world!