Adrienne’s Little World…Video Edition My word for 2014
Excuse my rambling lol
Here is a link to the blog I was talking about …
Excuse my rambling lol
Here is a link to the blog I was talking about …
FinesseV/ 02.01.2014
Great post. As a christian, I agree, it is difficult sometimes to keep our faith strong, BUT God knows this too. Remember He came to earth as a human too, so yeah, he knows first hand, your struggles, the reason why your faith weakens at times, but He hasn’t let go of you. I admire your journey in this walk with God; it shows others just how good God is and that our journey is one of struggle too. Never let go. I know God will continue to bless you and your family. My word for 2014: Expectation! God bless you forever more.
Christy/ 02.01.2014
Thanks for sharing. I loved this video. I have to say that I had the same realization this year – I am most unsettled when I have my eyes on other peoples lives. My word for 2014 – Balance.
NONSuperwoman/ 02.01.2014
Thank you for the link shout out This is an issue I struggle with too….seeing God’s promises but not really believing they can come to fruition in my life. May we truly grab hold of what God has for us!
Regina aka Ginae/ 02.01.2014
i was just having this same convo about comparing my life to others with a friend. man that is a hard thing not to do sometimes especially when you look around and see other’s lives going how you would like yours to go. i can see God all up and through your life blessing you right and left.
i had a hard time picking between the word Trust and Believe as my word for 2014 but i will choose Trust…however this should have been my word for 2013 which I struggled with. I’m hoping I can replace 2014 with a new word..
LadyLee/ 02.01.2014
Well, Like we talked about, I’m a bit O_o about you feeling that way. I’m puzzled to say the least (and you already know this, as much as we talk). Your progress over the last 3 or 4 years that we been tight has been mind boggling to say the least. You are one of my greatest inspirations. You make me want to be better and do better.
We are culturally trained, in the most subliminal of ways, via (media, music, advertising, etc), to want more and more and more… and we judge others as having a better or worse life than our own, when in fact, we don’t even really know what’s going on with people behind closed doors. I wrote a post on this a couple years ago. God broke me up from that. Of course I am still working on it. But I always remind myself that God has a plan and purpose for my life, specifically tailored and laid out for me, before I was even a thought in my mother’s mind, before I was even formed in the womb. And it is my goal to find that and carry it out.
I tell you one thing… I didn’t know how much good stuff was going on in my life until I started keeping a gratitude journal. I purposed to only write one line a day about something that happened that day for which I was grateful. After awhile, it became hard to choose what to write, since sooo much was going on. God is constantly taking care of our needs… whether we are paying attention or not. And I am grateful of that.
My word for the year? THANKSGIVING. I found a scripture about cultivating thanksgiving in our lives. And I want to do that, as thanksgiving is the direct opposite of murmurring and complaining. It can be a most arduous task as our society doesn’t support thanksgiving and contentment. But I want to mature in those areas. With God’s help and direction, I most surely will.
Keep your head up, Play Mama A… 2014 gonna be yet another great year. Really.
dara/ 03.01.2014
Adrienne,I enjoyed you video. It is so inspiring! My word for 2014 is WISDOM according to Pro. 4:7,because “wisdom is the principle thing”! Be blessed and keep sewing!! Dara
LaNettta/ 03.01.2014
You are such a genuine person. When you strip away the beautiful hair, the beautiful makeup, beautiful clothes and shoes and are down to your clean face and scrubs communing with the Master and your viewers…speaking from the heart, it is a beautiful and brave sight. Many Blessings and Keep Doing YOU!
Adrienne/ 09.01.2014
Expectation!!! I love it because He wants us to expect Him to do things for us
Adrienne/ 09.01.2014
Balance is another good one.
Adrienne/ 09.01.2014
YES!!! I’m waiting on Him to do some awesome things in my life
Adrienne/ 09.01.2014
Keep Trust. He will show you how. He is certainly showing me.
Adrienne/ 09.01.2014
Adrienne/ 09.01.2014
I love that scripture!
Adrienne/ 09.01.2014
This made me smile